Annotation Interface EnsuresNonEmpty

Indicates that a particular expression evaluates to a non-empty value, if the method terminates successfully.

This annotation applies to Collection, Iterator, Iterable, and Map, but not Optional.

This postcondition annotation is useful for methods that make a value non-empty by side effect:

   void addId(String id) {
It can also be used for a method that fails if a given value is empty, indicating that the argument is non-empty if the method returns normally:

   /** Throws an exception if the argument is empty. */
   void useTheMap(Map<T, U> arg) { ... }
See Also:
See the Checker Framework Manual:
Non-Empty Checker
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The expression (a collection, iterator, iterable, or map) that is non-empty, if the method returns normally.
  • Element Details

    • value

      String[] value
      The expression (a collection, iterator, iterable, or map) that is non-empty, if the method returns normally.
      the expression (a collection, iterator, iterable, or map) that is non-empty, if the method returns normally